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Coursera English Courses: Future of Language Learning (2023)!

For language learners across the globe, Coursera English courses serve as an elixir with their versatility and learning outcomes.

Coursera English Courses: For language learners across the globe, Coursera English courses serve as an elixir with their versatility and learning outcomes.

Key Points

  • Over the recent years, Coursera has turned into an impactful platform for language learning and especially mastering English with the help of its multiple Coursera English courses.
  • There are vast categories of Coursera English courses revolving around writing, speaking, and practicing the English language belonging to various professional domains which are available to language learners.
  • With multiple instructors and detailed course content, you can always think of turning up to Coursera for becoming a master of the English language.
  • Coursera offers business writing and professional writing courses to boost your professional growth as well alongside the mandatory academic writing courses.

Coursera English Courses: A Gateway to Impactful Language Learning

There’s no doubt in the fact that English is turning out to be a lingua franca. Of course, it’s the language of the majority and is professionally employed on a grand scale. If you are a native, then you already get an upper hand because you don’t need to master the tactics of this language.

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However, for those learners who believe that English is a tough nut to crack, Coursera has introduced numerous courses signifying different aspects of English language learning. Covering the basic level grammatical strategies to advanced employment of the language in the professional domain as well as for academics, you can find multiple courses meeting your standards and interests in the particular subject matter.

Top 7 Renowned Coursera English Courses

Well, there might be a lot of courses on the platform, but it’s equally hard to dive deeper and search for each and every course meeting the requirements. So, we’ll do the job for you. If you are a new language learner who has recently seen the door of Coursera, it’s important to enroll in those courses which are significantly impressive in terms of their course outline, teaching, and discussion strategies. So, we have curated the top seven excellent Coursera English courses to aid you in your language-learning journey right from the beginning. What are you waiting for? Now is the time to say hello to some of the professional and exceptional courses which you can find right there on the platform with ease.

The Academic English: Writing Specialization

If we name you one reason for why you are using Coursera, your answer will typically be for the sake of gaining expertise or developing a skill about something which you love to do, but do you know that most of the students on Coursera are in hope of making their academic performance improved through recurrent reinforcement.

Powered by the prestigious University of Berkeley, this course is especially for graduates and postgraduates. Academic writing is different from traditional writing and that’s exactly the notion of this course. Often when a student comes up with a report or a guide. The language has to be coherent and orderly. This is what makes academics a lot easier for you.

This course helps you to develop your expression over time and grasps your favorite skills to refine your creativity. You can help to write essays and creative paragraphs. can come up with reports or research papers. If you are a student working on their postgraduate or graduate degree, working on their thesis, it is necessary to obtain a certain kind of craft in expression which is possible through this course. Here, you will find step-by-step on essay writing, summary writing, and literature review which will help you to strengthen your learning journey.

Business English Communication Skills

Many aspiring entrepreneurs and businesspersons have to develop a fine understanding of English. When it comes to businesses, there is a whole new set of rules and principles for crafting your business proposals and seeking grants. You can never achieve success without having a command of business-related English skills.

This specific course is a venture of the University of Washington to install those essential business-related language genes in the learners. The course is widely distributed into multiple marketing samples. Here, you are able to learn the way to come up with business emails, marketing copywriting,  advertisement ideas, and proposal writing. The course is divided into phases where in each phase, you learn a new skill in reference to your English skills. The influence of this course is not just on your language learning abilities but it also teaches you how to make influential business presentations by using the right kind of expressions. In addition to this, you also learn to devise business reports in fine business terminology. This course is aimed at aspiring businesspersons who didn’t go through the marketing alleys before and are newly exploring the business domain.

The English for Career Development

There was a time when your skills defined you. These days, your recruiters cannot pass you through intense levels of struggles just to check out your overall potential. Today, your professional resume has taken the place of skill sharing. The recruiter can get all the hints about your personality and experiences just with the help of a piece of power. However, if there’s a piece of paper so crucial, then you need to be very eloquent about what you are listing inside it.

The University of Pennsylvania is the chief architect behind this course. It is focused on learners who are exploring more to give their careers a go. This course encompasses resume building, and cover letter teaching and it also enlightens you about the right way to write your job letters and applications. Even if you are applying for international education, you will still need a powerful statement of purpose on your end. With the conventional ideas of brainstorming and creativity, you are able to work on creating an ideal statement of purpose for your enrollment. This course is specifically taught with reference assignments where you are provided with the latest assessments on your progress.

Learn English: Academic Speaking and Listening

English is not merely a language that gives written aesthetics but when it’s to the academic domain, you have to be a winner in listening as well. This course is a work of The University of California and consists of various means of instruction including discussion, situational learning, and writing basics.

Though the course is intended for an academic audience, it can be learned by anyone. Particularly, if you are planning for a language test like IELTS or TOEFL, this course can come in very handy. As you skim through the course contents, you will find that here you will be exploring the vocabulary, grammar, and implementation part together at the same time. Besides, you will be provided with various topics on a daily basis upon which you have to write or speak depending on your mode of convenience and the instructor’s instruction.

Learn English: Intermediate Grammar

What is the most difficult part of a language? Don’t you think that it’s the rules or regulations which make up a language? As much as the rules of a language are compulsory to understand its basics when it comes to learning English grammar. You are introduced to a wide variety of ideas where every single idea is different from the last one.

Provided by the University of California, Irvine, this course aims to unravel the complex details of grammar before its learners. As the course begins, you start from the very first phase where you explore the parts of speech like verbs, conjunctions, and advanced prepositions but as you take a leap, new and new concepts of grammar keep on adding in your mind, because of continuous reinforcement. So this specific course holds up to its name as it intends to impart the concepts of conventional and colloquial grammar on your way.

Improve Your English Communication Skills: Specialization

This course is basically a specialization. Quite often, it becomes very hard for non-native English speakers to master their communication skills. When it’s the professional world, you need to be a Jack of all trades including fluent communities skills. So, offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology, this course has a very different take on the conventional methods of language learning.

You will find this course very interesting because here the focus is on everyday situations. In other words, you are given multiple real-life situations where your language learning capabilities are out at a test. This actually revolves around practicing English in the personal as well as professional domains. The course contents are equally interesting consisting of video lectures, video practices, and instructions on responding to others in English. This course is considered a favorite by the users of Coursera for the peer-feedback system on your communication skills helps you a lot in getting better each and every day.

Creative Writing Specialization

A Kindle author named Jocelyn points out, “I was totally alien about the art of creative writing. I just knew that I had that in me to come up and pen words. I had no idea about doing so. So, I turned to Coursera and it really helped.” Jocelyn isn’t the first but there are innumerable writing specialists like her who have used this specialization course and have doubled up their writing skills.

Provided by Wesleyan University, this course is a specialization that intends to clear out the myths about writing in English. The course content is very detailed and various sections are explained in separate video lectures. You get to learn about penning up shorter fiction, the art of storytelling in English, and novel crafting strategies. In addition to that, there are various assessments provided for you to practice your writing skills which are later assessed by the instructor where you are graded on the basis of your plot, narrative point of view, choice of vocabulary, and characterization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major categories of the English courses provided on Coursera?

There is a wide range of courses which are available in light of your needs. The major categories are academic and professional writing, business writing, creative writing, advanced English learning, English speaking, and Grammar.

Do all of the Coursera English courses have the same price since they belong to a single category?

No, as there is a wide variety of English courses available so their rates vary too. Some of the courses are pretty much simple so are offered free, while others are specializations, so they cost a bit more than basic courses. You can browse the courses of your choice according to your budget as well.

Will my instructor review my progress my performance in English learning and speaking courses?

In case you have taken a paid or specialized course, you will always receive a personal review from the instructor. In this review, you will be informed about your overall performance and will also be provided with improvement tips. However, if you are taking an English course for free, then you won’t be able to receive a personal review as the free model doesn’t allow access to this feature.

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Coursera English Courses are a mark of efficiency and are introduced to enhance your learning game. With the availability of a plethora of categories under its umbrella, you can not just improve your learning skills, but at the same time, build a command of speaking and writing professional English. With the aid of never-ending and amazing features of reviews and assessments, you can always come back to your initial progress and track your English efficiency with the help of useful reviews and equally significant assignments by the end of the day.



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